Efektivitas Konsumsi Jus Mentimun terhadap Penurunan Tekanan Darah pada Wanita Hipertensi Usia Produktif

Nurul Fatimah Ratnadewi, Yenny Aulya, Retno Widowati


This study aimed to analyze the effectiveness of cucumber juice consumption on the reduction of hypertension in women of productive age 20-45 years. The quasi experiment research was used pre and post test with control group design, using a sample of 36 respondents each of 18 respondents for the experimental group and 18 respondents for the control group. Sampling technique using purposive sampling in the working area of Puskesmas Wado, Sumedang, West Java. Analyzed using non-parametric test that was Wilcoxon test and Mann Whitney test to determine the difference between groups. Before treatment was given the mean systole and diastole of the experimental group 160.22 / 96.11 mmHg. The experiment group respondents were given cucumber juice in the morning at least 30 minutes after breakfast for 14 days. After treatment, the respondents of experiment group systole and diastole mean’s are 142,78 / 86,11 mmHg. The result showed there were a significant difference in systole and diastole in the experiment group before and after cucumber juice intervention  (p<0.05). There were a difference systole and diastole between the experimental group and the control group  (p<0.05). For the conclusion there is an effectiveness of cucumber juice as a non-pharmacological alternative treatment to reduce blood pressure.


cucumber juice, hypertension, women of productive age

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.36565/jab.v12i1.599


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